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Saturday 4 February 2017

Google abandons its "Hands Free" payment method

Google abandons its "Hands Free" payment method

Google announced it would end its experimental payment mode "Hands Free". The application that was being tested in San Francisco Bay will be officially closed on February 8th.

The American giant had launched "Hands Free" on iOS and Android in March 2016. The application allowed to pay without having to give his card or take out his smartphone. The principle of the application "Hans Free" was simple.

A location system in your smartphone identified when you entered a partner outlet. At the time of checkout, it was enough to say aloud "I want to pay with Google" to get the system switched on. With a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection, your identity photo was displayed on the cash register and the transaction could be validated.

The application "Hands Free" was an experience for Google. The system worked in a few McDonald's, Papa John's and other outlets in the South Bay. Despite some positive results, the American giant has decided to put an end to its application. Perhaps he thought he had the feedback needed to develop or improve other services like Android Pay.


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