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Monday 14 November 2016

Google Chrome: the leader in the browser market with 2 billion downloads

Google Chrome: the leader in the browser market with 2 billion downloads

Of the total population of the world with the order of 7.4 billion, 3.5 billion (about 47%) of people have an Internet connection today. Among these Internet users, Google Chrome has been the most popular web browser. Google announced that Chrome has reached a new milestone of 2 billion downloads between desktop and mobile. However, this figure indicates the number of installations, which does not necessarily mean that all of this is actively used.

In addition, a single user can have the browser installed in several devices. In April, Google had announced that there were 1 billion active Chrome users.

Chrome: Available for major operating systems

Google Chrome was launched in September 2008 for Windows, but is available for various major operating systems, and even shipped pre-installed in many Android smartphones and applications following the Google. Of all the other browsers available, Chrome leads the market share with a significant 54.46%, followed by Internet Explorer with 16.7% and Safari with 10.31%. Interestingly, Google Chrome has widened the gap in the last 10 months only. In January, the market share scenario of the browser was extremely different for Chrome and Internet Explorer as Chrome was leading with a simple margin of 3.83% to 36.61% shares. Most of the time, Internet Explorer users have migrated to Google Chrome since the change on the part of other browsers has been more or less unchanged since January.

Chrome's features give it an edge over its competitors

Notably, Chrome is extremely fast and offers a great and easy browsing experience compared to its competitors. It can perform at high speed even on slow connection speed. Google Chrome never crashes, even when multiple tabs are open using a large amount of memory in the system. The browser has a very clean and neat design for a fluid user experience. In addition, Google is constantly working to make Chrome a safe and secure browser for users. It has many security features such as anti-phishing capability, a reset button that resets, forced file that saves before launch, nickname manipulation, and MIME content-type sniffing (which helps counteract attempts to Deceive the browser to download malicious content).

According to one report, the use of a browser on mobile devices exceeded the PC traveling the world for the first time this month. The usage on mobile devices and tablets reached 51.3% compared to the office at 48.7%. No wonder Google pushes the mobile web. Google has even launched a tool for small businesses that facilitate testing a website through devices.


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