But what happens to all smartphone manufacturers which mainly two giants Apple and Samsung. After it has sparked controversy on the canvas with the many cases of explosion of its Galaxy Note 7, it's time for Apple to attract the spotlight with an iPhone 7 which also would have exploded. Info or intox?
Available on the market since last week the iPhone 7 already seems to know a great success, sales seem to happen as the US giant apple brand bitten Apple have hoped. But we also do not forget the negative feedback of the smartphone with the various bugs cited since the week of marketing in which the problem of whistling when loading or the speaker problems. These bugs so far are still tolerable but if one believes well to our colleagues Site Reddit, a user complained that a smartphone would suddenly exploded without reason. A picture was published on the website showing a smartphone with a abolished completely charred metal box and annihilated facade. The glass protecting the screen slab is totally broken and burnt, the other components are also in a good condition. The smartphone in the photo is discussed without an iPhone 7 behind him is his case that is not also in good condition.
An explosion of the iPhone 7, which would be other than a fake?
Photo posted on Reddit quickly went around the canvas, many brand aficionados to the bitten apple who said it would just be a fake, perhaps the smartphone was voluntarily destroyed to make noise. There are also those who argue that it would be a plot with Samsung because the image of the latter was degraded after the numerous explosions of its Galaxy Note 7 where the brand wants to blame Apple . However we must remember that some cases of explosions iPhone 6 were cited last year there are those causing intense burns, this is to say that our smartphones are not safe. Anyway, for now we await the results of investigations conducted on this explosion of Galaxy Note 7.

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