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Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Autism: glasses to recognize emotions

Autism: glasses to recognize emotions

Recognize and classify emotions. A difficult task for autism. To help them, US researchers from Stanford University are working on very special glasses. Coupled with software they can detect an emotion on a face and read that emotion.
The project is part of Wall Lab work "Stanford Medical University" + = Stanford Medicine.
Dennis Wall Wall leads the Lab: "The Glass Autism program is designed to teach autistic children understand that told them a face. Point. And we think this is going to happen then they will become more socially involved and that they address the social relations of confidence. Access to health care is limited. As autistic children are not adequately cared for, and that is the case here in the United States and we must solve this problem. "

Julian Brown ten years ago. He uses these special glasses, Google glass, which allow a basic facial recognition software to see better, to better read a face and so what can hide behind that face.
Julian Brown: "There is no machine that can read your mind; But it helps a lot with emotions. It recognizes. "

The student and researcher Catalin Voss Nick Haber developed the software that can analyze the faces and recognize simple emotions such as joy, anger, sadness and surprise.

Catalin Voss: "We had this idea of creating a behavioral assistance that might recognize you for the expressions and faces and give you social indices based on these terms".

Julian fait partie des centaines d’enfants qui participent à cette étude
Une expérience suivie de près par sa mère Kristen Brown : “Je crois que les lunettes sont une très bonne idée pour les enfants pour qu’ils établissent plus de connexion, pas seulement avec leur famille mais aussi avec des tiers. S’ils peuvent briser ce mur on ne devrait plus étiqueter ces enfants qui sont très intelligent.”

Même si les essais actuels ne concernent qu’une centaine de personnes, les prochaines étapes permettront aux chercheurs d’améliorer leur logiciel et leur approche. Les parents seront par ailleurs de plus en plus impliqués dans ces recherches.



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