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Monday 23 January 2017

Rumors about Apple's next stylus

Rumors about Apple's next stylus

The Apple stylus Apple Pencil marked its debut with the iPad Pro in November 2015. Offered at 109 euros, it allowed precise drawings thanks to better management of the stroke size as well as many features for Have an impressive end result.
Recently, rumors ran on a possible Apple Pencil of 2nd generation. Apple would have made some modifications for more convenience.

Magnetic system

Rumors reported by Weibo suggest that the second version will come out in the spring and will have a magnetic system. Thus, the stylus can be attached to an iPad tablet instead of getting lost in pockets, bags or elsewhere. Broadly speaking, the concept is somewhat similar to that of Microsoft with the Surface Pro and its dedicated stylus.

A clip system

The previous stylus tended to roll on the table, but with this clip system, its successor would no longer have the same problem from the sounds of corridors. The latter would look like a real pen that can be attached to a shirt pocket. While Apple is preparing the release of new iPad, the rumors about this Apple Pencil of 2nd generation could well be confirmed.


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