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Monday 23 January 2017

Overwatch is better with cats

Overwatch is better with cats

What would happen if we replaced the heroes of Overwatch with cats? The answer to this question probably lies in this sequence created by Dillon Gu, a former animator of Rooster Teeth. He has published a video inspired by Overwatch on his YouTube channel dillongoo.


So, instead of Overwatch heroes like McCree, Tracer, Sombra, Reaper, Soldier: 76, Genji and Pharah ... This video features their equivalents in warrior cats. The names are evidently adapted and one discovers thus Meowcree, Chaser, Clawmbra, Reapurr, Mustaches: 76, Kittenji and Furrah. These cats have almost the same peculiarities as the original heroes. Thus, Furrah, the replacement of Pharah instead launches balls of wool while Kittenji (Genji) always has his saber.

Overwatch, the FPS shooting game developed by Blizzard Entertainment is taking place in the future (2063) after the end of a war between humans and robots. The game thus gets its name from the organization which will have to guarantee an already fragile peace.


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