All smartphones and modern tablet operating system Android supports USB OTG technology. This feature that allows you to link your phone directly with the various tools and peripheral devices without the use of computer. This, in turn, horizons limitless opens almost! Also, this type exist in abundance and inexpensive and sold everywhere. In this entry we will discuss together ways and benefits of this cable, which may possibly be not hear it or try it on your smartphone.

Browse the files on the USB key and a hard disk

Yes, that's the first thing you have to initiate your mind, It is through this cable can be connected to your phone with any USB key or external hard drive. And can be browsed or move files to and from your smart phone quite easily and without using a computer. But the important point to look out for is the file system on the hard drive or USB key to this type of cable that supports the use of the file system "FAT32", and your use of NTFS can cause problems. For this we advise you to download this application on your device.
Connecting your phone with a joystick in the Games

The second thing that can be carried out by OTG cable. It is to connect your phone with a joystick in the Games, and this is a very nice and helpful especially for gamers. The advantage of the Xbox 360 more fortunate where they can connect the stick Xbox controller with their smartphones or tablets without any other additions.
Connect your phone to the keyboard and mouse

Since you are able to convert your phone into a mouse and wireless keyboard for your computer, too, know that you can mouse connect the keyboard with your smartphone or tablet and control them like you use your computer. Most keyboards and mouse (both wired and wireless), it works well with Android devices.
Connecting a printer with your phone.

Such as keyboards and other peripherals, including printers also can be connected with your phone by this cable, you can print a document directly from your phone without using a computer. If you are interested in this matter you may use this application.
Take advantage of the connection third generation 3G / LTE

That which it may seem silly at first glance, to be justified for some people who may decide to take advantage of it. Of course to do this is not easy, but if you have a desire to experience it, I invite you to download the application "PPP Widget 2" which is easier for you to order.
Control DSLR cameras

If you own a DSLR camera and smart phone can use the screen as a viewfinder and control settings in Photography This also applies to tablets. But it must be that you download the application on your computer to take advantage of this feature and there are many applications are camera-owned type, if available on the Canon camera can download this application.
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