Having acquired long ago Google surprised everyone its decision to sell the famous robotics industry company "Boston Dynamics" without providing the real reasons behind it, and it seems that a new buyer soon became the possession of the company's operation.
And at a time when robots technology dramatically evolved in the recent period focused on a number of the digital world companies acquired a start-up companies in this area, and what I did Google's acquisition of Boston Dynamics, and today's news indicate that Google has become close to the sale of the company company Japanese automaker famous "Toyota."
Site "Tech Insider" specialist pointed out that Google Inc. has entered into negotiations with the "Toyota Research Institute", a subsidiary of Toyota's Japanese automaker aim of the acquisition of Boston Dynamics Corp. for the manufacture of robots, and is what translates the growing interest of automakers to the field of robotics.
Add to that Tech Insider pointed out that the Amazon is one of the potential buyers of the Boston Dynamics.
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