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Thursday 21 December 2017

What does it mean to abolish Internet neutrality in the United States?

No talk today in the world of technology and the Internet except about "Net Neutrality". The latter, which the United States decided to abolish so simply, but what is meant by the neutrality of the Internet? How will it affect the free Internet in the United States and the world?

Internet neutrality means that Internet providers and governments must treat all users in one form without distinction of any kind, content, location, application, platform, tools used or method of communication.

Internet neutrality is not born today, but dates back to the year of 2015 under President Barack Obama, where a set of laws that define the behavior of Internet service providers, on the basis of which Internet services are treated as utilities or public services subject to regulatory laws. Which obliges Internet companies to handle all digital content with complete impartiality, without preferring a service or website to another.

The principle of Internet neutrality In short, Internet service providers are not allowed to add to their consumers more financial costs for quick access, for example, to YouTube, Netflix or any other site, meaning that the site is faster for those who pay more. This principle also deters these companies from imposing restrictions on certain sites on a particular type of content.

The decision by the US Federal Communications Commission on Thursday to kill the rules of net neutrality, which provides for equal access across the Internet for all types of content, is likely to lead companies to be able to control what users can access.

Of course, the abolition of the principle will undoubtedly have serious repercussions both on the cost of communication with the user as well as competition between sites, as well as the freedom of expression and political views, as we know freedom from the advantages of the Internet as anyone can record video or create a site criticizing anything even the head of state, Or giving opinions on various issues that have returned to you the opportunity to speak in official channels. Abolishing the principle of Internet neutrality means that companies can suppress your voice by blocking or slowing news sites for any reason.

The abolition of Internet neutrality may take months before it becomes effective, and then it is expected that US companies will raise the balance and members of lawsuits against this decision in the United States.


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